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Option Selection Report, February 2022

Option Selection Report – Brochure & Mapping

Preferred Option Brochure (English)

Preferred Option Brochure (Irish)

Preferred Option Map 

Preferred Option Interactive Map

Option Selection Report – Vol. 0 – Executive Summary


Option Selection Report – Executive Summary


Option Selection Report – Vol. 1 – Main Text


Option Selection Report – Main Text

Option Selection Report – Vol. 2 – Appendices

Appendix 1 - Drawings - Summary of Constraints Report

Study Area


Land Ownership Plan

Combined Constraints


Appendix 2 - Drawings – Development of Feasible Options

Stage 1 Route Corridors Development (1 of 2)

Stage 1 Route Corridors Development (2 of 2)

Stage 1 Route Corridors Simplified (1 of 2)

Stage 1 Route Corridors Simplified (2 of 2)


Appendix 3 - Drawings - Stage 2 Project Appraisal Matrix

Route D1 - Heritage Constraints

Route E1 - Heritage Constraints

Route E2 - Heritage Constraints

Route F2 - Heritage Constraints

Solid Geology

Subsoil Deposits

Soil Deposits

Aquifer & Aquifer Vulnerability

Geological Features

Drainage & Flooding

Route Corridors

Route D1

Route E1

Route E2

Route F2

Routes E1 & E2 Constraints

Appendix 4 - Drawings - Stage 3 Emerging Preferred Option

Emerging Preferred Option – OS Mapping

Emerging Preferred Option – Aerial Imagery

Emerging Preferred Option – Constraints

Preferred Option Corridor


Appendix 5 - Constraints Report

Volume 1 - Main Text

Volume 2 - Appendices

Appendix 6 - Stage 1 & 2 Environmental Report

Stage 1 & 2 Environmental Report

Appendix 7 - Planning History & Applications

Planning History & Applications


Appendix 8 - Health & Safety Deliverables

Road Safety Impact Assessment

Stage F Road Safety Audit (Part 1)

Stage F Road Safety Audit (Part 2)

H&S Risk Assessment of Preferred Option

Appendix 9 - Summary of Public Consultations Feedback

Post Consultation Report – PC1

Post Consultation Report – PC2

Post Consultation Report – PC3

Appendix 10 - Project Appraisal Deliverables

Project Appraisal Balance Sheet

Option Comparison Estimates

Cost Benefit Analysis Report

Cost Benefit Analysis Report Appendices

Traffic Modelling Report

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